Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Ephram at Nine Months

Another healthy month! Summertime is such a blessing for the boys' allergies! Ephram's love of snuggles continues. Pretty much any time you pick him up he will burrow his head into your shoulder. I love it so much and will miss it when he stops. He is still my big boy and we are still squeezing him into the infant car seat. I very rarely carry him in it anymore though. It is just way to heavy that way!

Ephram continues to be a great sleeper. He naps in the morning for about an hour around 10 and in the afternoon for two hours around 2 and then he goes to bed around 8:15 at night and gets up around 8 the next morning. This boy loves to sleep as much as his mommy and daddy do!

Another month without any doctor's appointments. We have gotten better about doing the massage with vitamin E oil and the spectra gel again. It is amazing to me how his scar changes just in the course of a day. I will look at him and barely even see it and then later on I will look and there it is plain as day. I know it will continue to change as he grows. We have an appointment with his surgeon next month, so we will see what Dr. Smith has to say about it.

Food is probably his greatest love right now. He will eat anything you put in front of him. We have introduced a lot of finger foods this month. He has been enjoying cheerios, blueberries, ground beef, squash, bell peppers, carrots, and beans. I love this stage where he can feed himself. It allows for everyone to enjoy dinner together which is awesome. He is still drinking four bottles a day, but he has cut back to about 6 ounces each time. We also started giving him a sippy cup with water at dinner. Wills did not transition well to sippy cups, so we are trying to start earlier this time.

Nine Month Stats:
Weight: 23 lbs
Clothing size: 9 to 12 months and 12 months for tops and bottoms
Must haves; wubanub, lillebaby carrier, bob double jogging stroller, anything Wills' is playing with
Milestones: waving, army crawling, pulling up

Brothers side by side:

Wills                            Ephram

Friday, July 25, 2014

Wills' 3rd Birthday Party!

We had Wills' 3rd Birthday Party at the Oklahoma Railway Museum. He is train crazy, particularly for Thomas, but I just couldn't bring myself to do a character party yet. We invited lots of friends and family for a train ride, treats and playground time. For Wills' first birthday, we hired a photographer and I was so glad for it. Last year we didn't, and I have regretted it. If I am taking photos, I miss out on all the fun! I hate asking a friend or family member to do it because then they miss out on all the fun. Tiffany, from Tiffany Roberts Photography came out and spent her Saturday morning with us and captured some amazing photos.

These aren't even all of the pictures! If you would like to see the rest, go to Tiffany's site and the password is Wills.

Paper Design: Paiges of Style
Train Puzzle Favors: Northwest Toy Crafters