Wedding Day

Wedding Day

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Month

Nothing could have prepared us for this first month of being parents. We were so blessed by Charles' schedule that he was able to be around so much for the first two weeks of Wills' life. I was so blessed that my mom came to stay with us for the third week! The fourth week of his life flying solo wasn't too bad either.

Sleep has definitely become a commodity around here (for me). My friend Erin told me to be prepared that a baby's cry is the first thing a woman will wake up to and like the 75th thing a man will wake up to. This is definitely true. There have been nights where Wills' is screaming his head off while getting his diaper changed (does that ever stop?) and I will ask Charles the next day if we woke him up. Needless to say, the answer is no.

Some struggles we have encountered this month have mainly been with breast feeding. My milk didn't come in as abundantly as it should have, so we had some weight gain issues with Wills and had to start supplementing. I started the fun task of nursing, then pumping, then feeding Wills a bottle eight to nine times a day to help boost my supply. I also started taking some fenugreek, an herbal supplement that makes me smell like pancakes and Reglan, a prescription of GI stuff that randomly helps boost milk supply. Thankfully, over this last weekend we confirmed I was officially making enough to feed our son and we no longer have to supplement! I am so glad. My mom contributes this to my stubborness. I say I was just determined! 

Some awesomness this month have been that he is awake more often so we get to see his pretty eyes. He is still a snuggle bug, which I love. Just this week he has started to follow you with his eyes. We read that tracking is a stepping stone for good hand eye cooridination. As Charles would say, "this is important for his future as an elite athlete".

One Month Stats:
Weight: 8 lbs, 9 oz
Length: 22 1/4
Clothing Size: Newborn stuff is getting snug, but 0 to 3 months is still a little loose
Nicknames: Buddy, Buster, Buttercup (we like "B's" I guess)
July 26th: home from the hospital, met big sister Holly for the first time. Neither of them is too impressed with the other just yet.
July 29th: first doctor's appt and first trip to Target
August 1st: belly button stump fell off
August 3rd: first photo shoot
August 4th: first date with baby Blaine
August 11th: back to birth weight
August 17th: finally gaining weight appropriately!8LBS, 3OZ
August 21st: following mommy, daddy, and keys with his eyes

This month has truly been the most amazing, exhausting, and wonderful month of our lives. I can't wait to see what next month brings!

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