We had Wills' first birthday party today! Here is a sneak peek from our photographer.
Jamie from Studio Westway was amazing. I can't wait to get all the photos back!
Wedding Day

Saturday, July 28, 2012
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Twelve Months!
The last year has absolutely flown by. It has truly been amazing and we are so thankful we were blessed with such a fabulous little boy. I say little boy on purpose, because he is definitely not a baby anymore. He will of course always be my baby, but the toddler days are upon us! Wills has not taken any first steps yet. He has become quite good at cruising along furniture, people, his card board tunnel...you get the idea. He is always on the move.
We are pretty sure he said his first word this month. I can't give you an exact date for it though. The word he is saying is "ba" for ball. He absolutely loves his basketballs. He has three actual sized ones and two smaller ones. He prefers the big ones. They are a guaranteed mood elevator. You can also get him to follow you anywhere just by kicking one of his basketballs where you need to go. It's a little hard on our self esteem as parents that his first word is an inanimate object and not "mama" or "dada". He is saying both of those words, but they have no meaning for him yet.
Wills got three more teeth this month, all in one week and while we were on our family vacation in Florida. He now has four teeth on the bottom and three teeth on the top. His appetite is still very big. He eats three meals a day and one snack. I think I might need to make his snack larger because he always gets really cranky right before dinner. I am still really particular about his serving sizes, but I think I need to let this go. Surely he will stop eating if he isn't hungry anymore, right? We are trying to instill healthy eating habits, so I am really afraid of him eating just for the sake of eating.
Twelve Month Stats:
Weight: 22 lbs 9 oz, 47%
Length: 31 inches, 84%
Clothing Size: 9 to 18 month tops, 12 to 18 month bottoms
Clothing Size: 9 to 18 month tops, 12 to 18 month bottoms
Nicknames: Buddy, Buster, pumpkin, little man, big man
Must haves: Board books, basketball, puzzles, Fisher Price Laugh and Learn table, cardboard tunnel
Milestones:June 30 First plane ride/vacation
July 1 Fifth tooth
July 3 Sixth tooth
July 4 First 4th of July, didn't get to stay up for fireworks
July 5 Seventh tooth
July 21 First pool party (our Godson's birthday)
So this is the end of the monthly updates. My plan is to continue to do updates with his pediatrician appointments. This means 15 months, 18 months, and 24 months. I am just so proud of myself for sticking with the weekly photos and monthly updates. I already feel sorry for our future children and the likely hood that I won't do this for them!
Best year ever!
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
One year ago today...
our lives changed forever.
Williams Carvajal Te
July 24, 2011 at 9:55 am, 7lbs 11 oz, 21 inches long
July 24, 2012
Happy Birthday baby boy! We love you so much!
Sunday, July 22, 2012
52 weeks
I can't believe our little boy is 52 weeks old and in just 2 days he will have his 1st birthday!
Impossible to get a decent picture this week. Those blocks are just way to interesting.
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Future Artist
On Monday, Wills and I decided to do a little finger painting. I had received an artist kit for babies 6 months and up in one of my Citrus Lane boxes. If you have little ones and you aren't a member, you should totally do it. We have received some really awesome things in our monthly boxes. Plus it's always fun to open because it's like a present!
This is the art kit we got:
This is the art kit we got:
The great thing is that it is completely organic. Made from fruits and vegetables, gluten and dairy free. This is awesome because Wills likes to put everything in his mouth and I don't have to worry about this stuff. It came with two colors of paint mix and two crayons.
Like all good artists, we had to strip down to start our project:
He wasn't real sure what to think in the beginning, but I think he enjoyed it in the end. Definitely a future Jackson Pollock on our hands! He was a bit of a mess afterwards, so it was time for some skinny dipping.
I just love my days off with him!
Sunday, July 15, 2012
1st Family Vacation
On June 30th we headed to Florida for our first family vacation with my sister and her family and my parents. It was also Wills' first plane ride. I was a little nervous about it, but it all turned out okay. There were a few bumps in the road (vomiting on first flight, cutting 3 teeth, and a stomach bug that made its way through everyone except Wills, Charles, and Clara), but we had a wonderful time and I can't wait until next year!
Traveling to Florida:
I apologize for the picture/post overload. I was just too lazy to break it up into several posts!
Traveling to Florida:
First flight, outfit number 1 for Wills
Arriving in Florida, outfit number 3 for Wills. I now know to pack an extra outfit for myself!
Beach time fun:
This is a water baby carrier. Very handy for carrying back a wet baby while you are wet too!
Playing with Grammy
Cousin Clara
Playing with cousin Ethan
Enjoying some shade in our tent
Charles trying to bury him in the sand. He was not a fan.
We had our own pool in the backyard of our condo. This was so handy.
The dads took a day off and went deep sea fishing:
4th of July:
Fireworks on the beach
Traveling home:
Bright eyed at 6am in the Ft Walton airport
I got a pat down on the way there and on the way back!
I apologize for the picture/post overload. I was just too lazy to break it up into several posts!
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