Wedding Day

Thursday, April 26, 2012
On the move
The crawling has progressed dramatically in the last two days. We are in so much trouble!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Nine Months
Nine months today! I cannot believe how fast it has gone. Our little guy is still attempting to crawl. There is finally some forward motion going on. I certainly wouldn't call it crawling though. It is more of a shimmy so much we eventually move forward a little. I do think actual crawling is in our near future. He is definitely on the move though. It was a good thing daddy was close by for this month's photo session because there were several attempts to fly off the chair.
Night time sleeping is still amazing. Thankfully we haven't experienced any of the disruptive evenings associated with teething yet. Napping is definitely getting better. Afternoon naps are consistently an hour and sometimes even two. Definitely progress!
Our first tooth actually popped through last night! I was so excited and was cheering and clapping. Wills just started smiling and laughing. He probably wondered why his mommy was acting crazy. He should probably just get used to that now! We have had so many new foods this month, I won't bore you all with a list. I will say I followed through on my promise for him to have meat. He has had chicken and fish this month. He has yet to turn anything down. Finger foods are big excitement around here, both for Wills and Holly. He loves blueberries the best, but we try to only give them to him for dinner since we go straight to the bath after that. It's amazing how messy a little person can be.
Nine Month Stats:
Weight: 20 lbs 3 oz (50th percentile)
Length: 29 inches (75th percentile)
Head: 46.8 cm (90th percentile)
Clothing Size: I think our growing is finally slowing down. 9 months fit great now.
Head: 46.8 cm (90th percentile)
Clothing Size: I think our growing is finally slowing down. 9 months fit great now.
Nicknames: Buddy, Buster, pumpkin
Must haves: Sophie the giraffe, board books, Baby Einstein Take Along Tunes, the basketball is by far the favorite
Monday, April 23, 2012
Charles is turning 30!
So a week from today, my amazing husband will be turning 30! It is about time he got into the same decade as me!
I decided he needed to have a birthday party since this was a milestone birthday. The weekend of his birthday, he will be running in the OKC Memorial marathon, so we thought having it that weekend would not be the best idea. So last Saturday, I invited all his friends to Dave and Busters for food, drinks, and games. I love a craft project, so it was a great excuse to bust out my glue gun for the decorations!
I decided he needed to have a birthday party since this was a milestone birthday. The weekend of his birthday, he will be running in the OKC Memorial marathon, so we thought having it that weekend would not be the best idea. So last Saturday, I invited all his friends to Dave and Busters for food, drinks, and games. I love a craft project, so it was a great excuse to bust out my glue gun for the decorations!
Football table decoration and cookie cake
Football table
Baseball table
Basketball table
The Birthday Boy!
Sucotash and Mac'n'Cheese
BBQ Brisket
BBQ Chicken
(I won by the way!)
We had a great time celebrating Charles' Birthday!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Redbud Classic
We did the Redbud Classic yesterday. Charles ran the 10k and Wills and I did the 2 mile stroller derby. Charles finished his 10k in just over 53 minutes. We finished the stroller derby in just over 40 minutes =)
Wills, Stella, and Blaine with some of the Thunder Girls. He is really checking her out isn't he?
Stella, Blaine, and Wills in their strollers ready to go!
After the race with their completion medals. I just want to point out that the medal is the same regardless of if you did the 10k or the stroller derby. That just doesn't seem right to me!
The Redbud Classic was a lot of fun. I am sure the beer and donuts at the finish line helped! It was right during afternoon nap though, and I guess Wills thought the sights were too exciting and he completely skipped his afternoon nap. Luckily he did take about an hour nap after we got home.
We are now prepped and ready to go cheer Charles on in 2 weeks when he does the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon relay!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Easter 2012
We took Wills to see the Easter Bunny on Saturday night. Nothing like waiting till the last minute. Since we waited until so late in the day, we had to take him to see the Penn Square mall Easter Bunny. Needless to say, he is significantly more expensive than the Northpark one. We will try to be a little more on top of things next year so we aren't paying $20 for a picture! It was essentially a repeat of Santa. No tears, but no smiles either.
This morning we got up to see what the Easter Bunny had brought us. Books, a couple of toys, some clothes, a new plate and some Easter eggs we colored Saturday. And when I say we, I mean me. Wills was an excellent observer though. And big thanks to Grammy and Aunt Sara for helping us fill out his basket.
After breakfast, we put on our Sunday best and headed to church with Grandma, Grandpa and Aunt Janice. Wills does amazingly well at mass. He took a 45 minute nap in his daddy's arms and then was happy and quiet for the rest of the service.
After church we headed to Ingrid's for brunch. It was so yummy. Wills practiced his pincer grasp on some blueberries which kept him fully occupied for the rest of us to get plate after plate of tasty food. We got home a little after 2 and all of us promptly took a nap.
Looking forward to next year when we will actually get to hunt some Easter eggs!
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